Sunday, March 24, 2013

Just Another Spring Day in Berlin

Sunday Funday! We decided to finally explore the old Tempelhof airport, which is just south of where we're living. We knew it was a public park, of sorts, but didn't know what to expect. Good things, apparently. It. Is. Huge. The sun is shining but it's about negative nothing out, and windy, as you'll see (actual temp: -5C, -8C with windchill or upper teens in Fahrenheit).

It says 'US Army Aviation' on that building
perfect conditions for a football game, show up on your bike, please
and. the. kite boarders.
glad I wore my snow pants
lucky to have a beard during weather like this
We also saw a lot of great signage on today's walk - Kreuzberg, full of surprises.

don't be a... cosmosucka
Christ & Co Rentals

On our way home we stopped to get some fresh baked cakes - a Sunday requirement if you want to be a real German. One of the only places that is open on a Sunday is a tiny place just down the street from us. Thank goodness.
käsekuchen, flourless chocolate cake, and mohnkuchen (poppyseed!)
Ready for anything.

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